But trying to show historical fates of the ideas interpreted by Vyasa in the context of the medieval history of Indian philosophy, we also resorted to a later treatise — that of «Tattva-vaisaradi», which is a basic and quite authoritative glossary to Vyasabhasya written by Vachaspati Mishra in the 9th century A. D., or to the intermediary commentary («vivarana») to it. The translation has been made from the original Sanscrit text published in: Patanjaladarsanam, or the System of Yoga Philosophy by Maharshi Kapila with the Commentary of Vyasa and the Gloss of Vachaspati Mishra. Ed. and publ. by Pandit Jivananda Vidyasagara. Second Edition. Calcutta, 1895. Use has also been made of; Patanjala-sutrani with the Scholium of Vyasa and the Commentary of Vacaspati. Ed. by R. S. Bodas. Bombay, 1892 (Bombay Sanskrit Series. 46). The work consists of four parts. The introductory part contains a reconstruction of the main philosophical concepts of Patanjaladarsana, a confinement of the subject-matter of the terms, a substantiation of the definition of this school as representative of the nominalistic trend in Indian philosophy. Part two, which is the main one, is a translation of Patanjali's «yoga-sutras» and of «Vyasa-bhasya». Part three is a commentary to the translation. The work is concluded by a reference section containing proper names, index of the school's philosophical , terminology, and the bibliography. — 219 —