[183] Hoving, Tutankharnun: The Untold Story, New York, 1978, pp. 264-9. [184] Frayling, The Face of Tutankhamum, Faber and Faber, 1992,pp. 129-30. [185] Hoving, op. cit. [186] Ibid. [187] Carter and Mace, The Tomb of Tutankharnun, London, 1922-33,pp. 86–92. [188] Hoving, op. cit. [189] Hoving, ibid, p. 288. [190] Frayling, op. cit., p. 31. [191] James, Howard Carter: The Path To Tutankharnun, Kegan Paul Ltd, 1992, p. 153. [192] Hoving, op. cit., pp. 318-42. [193] Ibid. [194] Ibid. [195] Ibid. [196] Ibid. [197] Ibid. [198] Ibid. [199] Carter, The Discovery of the Tomb of Tatankhaman, New York, 1977. [200] Ibid. [201] Ibid. [202] Ibid. [203] Phillips, Act of God, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1998. [204] Hoving, op. cit., pp. 360-1. [205] Небхепрура — тронное имя Тутанхамона, означающее «Господин форм Ра». [206] Ibid. [207] Ibid. [208] Carter and Mace, op. cit., p. 23. [209] Harrison, «The Tutankharnun Post-Mortem», Lancet, 1975. [210] Ibid. [211] Forbes, «Abusing Pharaoh», KMT, Spring 1992. [212] Ibid. [213] Ibid. [214] Carter and Mace, op. cit., p. 345. [215] Hoving, op. cit. [216] Reeves and Taylor, Howard Carter Before Tutankhamun, British Museum Press, 1992, pp. 178-80. [217] Ibid. [218] Hoving, Tutankharnun: The Untold Story, New York, 1978, p. 311. [219] Carter, The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankharnun, New York, 1977. p.197. [220] Hoving, op. cit., pp. 172-5. [221] Ibid. [222] Brackman, The Search For the Gold of Tutankharnun, Robert Hale Ltd, 1978. [223] Hoving, op. cit. [224] Ibid. [225] Ibid. [226] Carter and Mace, The Tomb of Tatankhaman, London, 1922-33. [227] Osman, Moses Pharaoh of Egypt, Grafton Books, 1990, p. 159. [228] Osman, Stranger in the Valley of the Kings, Souvenir Press, 1987. [229] Ibid. [230] Osman, The House of the Messiah, Harper Collins, 1992,pp.165-8. [231] Ibid. [232] Frayling, The Face of Tutankharnun, Faber and Faber, 1992, pp. 25-6. [233] Ibid. [234] Breasted, Pioneer of the Past, London, 1948, p. 347. [235] Hoving, Tutankhaman: The Untold Story, New York, 1978, pp 222-3. [236] Ibid. [237] Faulkner, Book of the Dead, British Museum Press, 1985,p.185 — 145 —