[14] Braithwaite, R.B., Scientific Explanation, Cambridge University Press, 1053, page 22. [15] Feynman, Richard, op.cit., page 30. [16] Einstein, Albert, The Structure of Scientific Thought, E.H. Madden, editor, Houghton MiMin Co., Boston, 1960, page 82. [17] Dirac, P.A.M., Scientific American, May 1963. [17]17. Там же. [18] Butterfield, Herbert, op.cit., page 13. [19] Hobbes, Thomas, The Metaphysical System of Hobbes, M.W. Calkins, editor, The Open Court Publishing Co., La Sane, III., 1948, page 22. [20] North, J. D., The Measure of the Universe, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1965, page 367. [21]21Einstein, Albert, Relativity, Henry Ho It & Co., New York, 1946, page 74. [22] Hocking, William E., Preface to Philosophy, The Macmillan Co, New York, 1946, page 425. [23] Tolman, Richard, The Theory of the Relativity of Motion, University of California Press, 1917, page 27. [24] Winger, Eugene P., Symmetries and Reflections, Indiana University Press, 1967, page 30. [25] Jeans, Sir James, The Universe Around Us, Cambridge University Press, 1947, page 113. [26] Heisenberg, Werner, On Modern Physics, Clarkson N. Potter, New York, 1961, page 16. [27] Heisenberg, Werner, Physics Today, March 1976. [28] Schlegel, Richard, op. sit., page 18. [15] Feynman, Richard, op. cit., page 30. [29] Gold and Hoyle, Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy, paper 104, Stanford University Press, 1959. [30] Darrow, Karl. K., Scientific Monthly, March 1942. [31] Finlay-Freundlich, E., Monthly Notices of the Royal Fstronomical Society, 105-237. [32] Heisemberg, Werner, Philisophic Problems of Nuclear Science, Pantheon Books, New York, 1952, page 38. [33] Einstein, Albert, Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, Paul Schilpp, editor, the Library of Living Philosophers, Evanston, 111., 1949, page 67. [34] Alfven, Hannes, Worlds-Antiworlds, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Fracisco, 1966, page 92. [35] Hawkins, David, The Language of Nature, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Fracisco, 1966, page 183. [36] Lindsay, R. B., Physics Today, Dec. 1967. [5] Dicke, R. H., American Scientist, March 1959. [37] Einstein, Albert, Sidelights on Relativity, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1922, page 23. [38] Einstein and Infeld, op. cit., page 185. [39] Einstein, Albert, Relativity, op. cit., page 126. [40] Heisenberg, Werner, Physics and Philosophy, Harper & Bros., New York, 1958, page 129. [41] Einstein, Albert, Foreword to Concepts of Space, by Max Jammer, Harward University Press, 1954. [42] Jeans, Sir James, op.cit., page 78. — 250 —