[97] Bohuski and Weedman, Astrophysical Journal, Aug. 1, 1979. [98] Bath, G. T., The State of the Universe. op. cit., page 12. [99] Verschuur, Gerrit, The Invisible Universe, op. cit., page 139. [100] Pasachoff, Jay, Astronomy Now, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1978, page 385. [101] Rees, M. J., Cosmology Now, op. cit., page 129. [102] Lovell, Bernard, Ibid, page 8. [103] See discussion in Verschuur, Starscapes op. cit., page 190, [104] Jastrow and Thompson, op. cit., page 207. [105] Shklovskii, I.S., Stars: Their Birth, Life and Death, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1978, page 66. [106] Mitton, Simon, Exploring the Galaxies, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1976, page 89. [107] McCrea, W. H., Cosmology Now, op. cit., page 94. [108] John, Laurie H., Ibid, page 85. [109] Rees, M. J., The State of the Universe, op. cit., page 35. [110] Hirshfeld, Alan, Sky and Telescope, April 1980. [111] Harwit, Martin, op. cit., page 43. [112] Struve, Otto, Sky and Telescope, July 1955. [113] Marshak, Robert E., The Scientific American Reader, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1953, page 177. [114] Opik, E. J., Smithsonian Treasury of Science, Vol.1edited by Webster P. True, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1960, page 38. [115] Jastrow and Thompson, Astronomy: Fundamentals and Frontiers, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1972, page 226. [116] Hoyle, Fred, New Scientist, Oct. 17, 1968. [117] Bok, Bart J., The Astronomer’s Universe, Cambridge University Press, 1958, page 91. [118] King, Ivan R., The Universe Unfolding. W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1976, page 464. [119] Struve, Otto, Sky and Telescope, June 1960. [120] Hogg, Helen S., Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th Edition, Vol. 17, page 605. [121] Van den Bergh, Sidney, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1975. [122] Harwit, Martin, op. cit., page 43. [123] Lohmann, W. Zitschrift f?r Astrophysik, Aug. 1953. [124] Iben, Icko, Jr., Scientific American, July 1970. [125] Bok and Bok, The Milky Way, 4th Edition, Harvard University Press, 1974, page I17. [126] Ibid., page 249. [127] Struve, Otto, Sky and Telescope, Apr. 1960. [128] Hogg, Helen S., op. cit., page 608. [129] Silk, Joseph, The Big Bang, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1980, page 248. — 109 —