Психотехнологии измененных состояний сознания

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116. Юнг К. Г. Один современный миф. О вещах, наблюдаемых в небе. — М.: Наука, 1993. - 192 с.

117.Юнг К. Г. Психологические типы. - М., 1992. - 105с.118. Юнг К. Г. Архетип и символ. - М.:Ренесанс, 1991. - С. 129-202.

119. Ярошевский М. Г. Комментарии // 3. Фрейд. Введение в психоана­лиз: Лекции. - М: Наука, 1991. - С. 439-449.

120. Vsehsvyatski S. Love Thy Feeling As Thyself // Inward Path. 1992. № 1. -P.6-7.

121. EliadeM. Shamanism: Archaic Techniquesof Ecstasy. — NY.: Pantheon Books, 1964. - 124 p.

122. Gerber R. Vibrational Medicine. New Choices for Healing Ourselves. — Santa Fe, New Mexico: Bear & Co, 1988. - 559 p.

123. Hart W. The Art of Living. - Singapore, 1991.

124. LeonardJ., LautPh. Rebirthing. The Science of Enjoying All of Your life — Cincinnati, Ohio: Trinity Publications, 1988. - 296 p.

125. Mishlove J. The Roots of Consciousness. Classic Encyclopedya of Consciousness Exploration revised and expanded. — Tulsa, Oklahoma: Council Oak Books, 1993. - 416 p.

126. Nath N. International Rebirthing Conference — Moscow // The Breathcollection. 1992. August. - P. 5.

127. OrrL. (a) The Story of Rebirthing. — Chico, Cal.: Inspiration University. — 16 p.

128. OrrL. (b) It's Worth ThinkingAbout. - Chico, Cal.: Inspiration University. -12p.

129. Orr L & S. Ray. Rebirthing in the New Age. - Berkeley, Cal., 1983. - 275 p.

130. Ray S. Celebration of Breath. - Berkeley, 1983.

131. Rank O. The Trauma of Birth. - NY: Harcourt Brace, 1928.

132. Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Programm / Ed. D.W. Orme-Johnson & J.T. Farrow. — NY: Maharishi European Reasearch University Press, 1971. V. 1.

133. Sisson С. P. Rebirthing Made Easy. A Gateway to Self-knowledge, Aliveness and Compassion. — Singapore: Singapore National Printers Ltd, 1990. — 196 p.

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