Социологическая психология

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80 Redican W.K. Adu 11 male-infant interactions in non-human primates.

81 Klaus M.H., Kennell J.H. Maternal-infant bonding: The impact of early

separation or loss on family development. St. Louis, 1976.

82 Lamb M.E., Hwang C.P. Maternal attachment and mother-neonate bonding.

83 Mackey W.C. A Cross-cultural perspective on perceptions of paternalistic

deficiencils in the Unated States: The myth of the derelict daddy // Sex Roles. March, 1985. V. 12.

84 Hipgrave T. Child rearing by lone fathers // Changing patterns of child-

bearing and child rearing. L., 1981; cp: Nontraditional families: Parenting and child development / Ed. by M.E. Lamb. Hillsdale, 1982.

85 Цит. по: De Mause L. The evolution of childhood // History of Childhood

Quarterly. Spring, 1974. V. 1 №4.

%t>Biller H.B. Paternal deprivation. Lexingtom, 1974.

87 West M.W., Konner M.J. The role of the father: An anthropological perspective, p. 203—204; Whiting J.W.M. The place of aggression in social interaction // Collective violence / Ed. by J.F. Short, Jr. M.E. Wolfgang. Chicago, 1972.

88 См., например: Mitscherlich A. Society without the father. A contribution

to social psychology. N. Y., 1970.

89 Рюриков IO. По закону Тезея. Мужчина и женщина о начале биархата

//Новый мир. — 1986. — №7. —С. 186; 188.

90 Кестужев-Лада И. В. Будущее семьи и семья будущего в проблематике

социального прогнозирования // Детность семьи: вчера, сегодня, завтра. — М., 1986. — С. 193.

91 Skolnick A. Early attachment and personal relationships across the life

course // Life-span development and behavior. V. 7 / Ed. by P.B. Baltcs, D.L. Featherman, R.M. Lerner. Hilisdale-L., 1986.

92 Glass /., Bengstson V.L., Dunha C.C. Attitude similarity in three-generation families: Socialization, status inheritance, or reciprocal influence? // American Sociological Review. 1986. V. 51.

93 The effect of the infant on its caregiver / Ed. by M. Lewis, L.A. Rosenblum.

N. Y., 1974; Child influences on marital and family interaction: A lifespan perspective / Ed. by R.M. Lerner, G.B. Spanier. N. Y., 1978; Handbook of aging and the social sciences / Ed. by R. Binstock, E. Shanas. N. Y., 1985.

94 Fatherhood and family policy / Ed. by M.E. Lamb, A. Sagi. Hillsdale, 1983.

95 One-parent families in Europe. Trends, experiences, implications / Ed. by

F. Deven, R.L. Cliquet. The Hague-Brussels, 1986.

96 Akker van den P.A.M., Avort van der A.J.P.M. Children after parental

divorce: Short-term and long-term consequences and Conditions for adjustment // One-parent families in Europe. P. 104—105.

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