[1236] Jean Taylor, "Hospice House: A Homelike Inpatient Unit", Generations 11 (Spring, 1987): 22–26; см. также: D. S. Greer et al., "An Alternative in Terminal Care: Results of a National Hospice Study", Journal of Chronic Diseases 39 (1986): 9–26; and Vincent Мог, Hospice Care Systems: Structure, Process, Costs, and Outcome (New York: Springer, 1987). Следует заметить, что в хосписы принимают людей всех возрастов; см., напр.: Susan Cunningham, "Hospice: A Place for Children", АРА Monitor 14 (April 1983): 9, 10. [1237] Freese, Help for Your Grief, 122; and Constance Rosenblum, "Dying Children", Human Behavior 8 (March 1978): 49, 50. [1238] Эти суждения принадлежат Уорден, см.: Worden, Grief Counseling, 111, 112; см. также: J. W. Worden, Personal Death Awareness (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice–Hall, 1976); Ralph L. V. Rickgarn, "The Death Response Team: Responding to the Forgotten Grievers", Journal of Counseling and Development 66 (December 1987): 197–199. [1239] Richard Exley, The Rhythm of Life: Putting Life's Priorities in Perspective (Rapid City, S.D.: Honor Books; Tulsa, Okla.: Harrison House, 1987). [1240] См.: Walter Trobisch, The Complete Works of Walter Trobisch (Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity, 1987). [1241] Ingrid Trobisch, "Let the Deep Pain Hurt", Partnership (September — October 1985): 43–45. [1242] Ibid. [1243] Bob Vetter and June Wetter, Jesus Was a Single Adult (Elgin, 111.: David C.Cook, 1978). [1244] "19 Million Americans: Their Joys and Frustrations", U.S. News & World Report, 21 February 1983, 53–56; see also, J. Simenauer and D. Carroll, Singles: The New Americans (NewYork: Simon & Schuster, 1982). [1245] Быт. 2:18. [1246] Nancy Rule Goldberger, "Why It"s So Hard to Make a Commitment", Bottom Line Personal 7 (15 November 1986): 9, 10. [1247] Мф. 19:11,12. [1248] 1 Кор. 7:7. [1249] 1 Кор. 7:28, 32–35. [1250] Landon Y. Jones. Great Expectations: America and the Baby Boom Generation (New York: Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1980), esp. 175–182, "The Singles Society" [1251] 1 Кор. 7:9. [1252] Исследование брака, проведенное в Йельском и Гарвардском университетах, обобщается одним из исследователей, см.: Neil G. Bennett, "The Real Reason Why Single Women Aren't Marrying", Bottom Line Personal 8 (15 October 1987): 7, 8. [1253] Некоторые из этих вопросов обсуждаются: Jim Smoke, Suddenly Single (Old Tappan, N.J.: Revell, 1982). — 798 —