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[147] Michael J. Burke and Jacques Normand, "Computerized Psychological Testing: Overview and Critique", Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 18 (February 1987): 42–51.

[148] Marc. D. Schwartz, ed., Using Computers in Clinical Practice: Psychotherapy and Mental Health Applications (New York: Haworth Press, 1984); Harvey A. Skinner and Andrew Paluka, "Challenge of Computers in Psychological Assessment", Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 17 (February 1986): 44–50; Scott T. Meier, "Software Counseling: What's Available", Journal of Counseling and Development 64 (April 1986); Scott T. Meier, "Stories about Counselors and Computers: Their Use in Workshops", Journal of Counseling and Development 65 (October 1986): 100–103.

[149] Paul M. Insel, Environmental Variables and the Prevention of Mental Illness (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington, 1980).

[150] Rudolph Н. Moos, The Human Context: Environmental Determinants of Behavior (New York: Wiley, 1976); Sheldon Cohen and Neil Weinstein, "Nonauditory Effects of Noise on Behavior and Health", in Environmental Stress, ed. Gary W. Evans (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 45–74.

[151] Yakov M. Epstein, "Crowding Stress and Human Behavior", in Environmental Stress, ed. Evans, 133–148.

[152] Albert Mehrabian, Public Places and Private Spaces: The Psychology of Work, Play, and Living Environments (New York: Basic Books, 1976).

[153] Moos, The Human Context.

[154] Mk. 1:32–35.

[155] W. G. Bixler, "Group Psychotherapy", in Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology, ed. David G. Benner (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1985), 477–483.

[156] I. D. Yalom, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, 2d ed. (New York: Basic Books, 1975). Все «целебные факторы» в этом перечне, кроме последнего, взяты из этой книги.

[157] Дополнительные сведения см.: Gerald Corey and Marianne S. Corey, Groups: Process and Practice, 3d ed. (Monterey, Calif: Brooks/Cole, 1987); G. M. Gazda, Group Counseling: A Developmental Approach, 3d ed. (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1984); Jared Philip Pingleton, "Group Counseling in the Church: An Integrative Theoretical and Practical Analysis", Journal of Psychology and Theology 13 (Spring 1985): 21–28.

[158] Lewis and Lewis, Community Counseling.

[159] Редкими исключениями являются труды: Rodger К. Bufford and Trudi Bratten Johnston, "The Church and Community Mental Health: Unrealized Potential", Journal of Psychology and Theology 10 (Winter 1982): 355–362; Kelly O'Donnell, "Community Psychology and Unreached Peoples: Applications of Needs and Resource Assessment", Journal of Psychology and Theology 14 (Fall 1986): 213–223; и моя работа по общественному душепопечению: Gary R. Collins, Innovative Approaches to Counseling (Waco, Tex.: Word, 1986).

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