Психопрофилактика стрессов

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208. Электропунктура и проблемы информационно-энергетической регуляции деятельности человека. М., 1976.

209. Эогономика. Принципы ц рекомендации. М., 1983. -210. Alvin I. Music therapy. L., 1966.

211. Autogenic therapy/Ed, by Luthe W. N. Y.—L., 1969—1974. V. 1—6.

212. Ballentine R. Science of breathe. Glenview, 1976.

213. Benson Н. The relaxation response: Its subjective and objective prece­dents and psychology//Trends in neurosciences. 1983. V, 6. N 7. P. 281—


214. Bobon D. P. Classification and terminology of psychotropic drugs//

Pharmacopsychiatrie. 1973. Bd. 6.

215. Borgeat F., Stravynski A., Chaloult L. The influcnse of two different sets of information and suggestion on the subjective effects of relaxation // Journal of human stress. 1983. V. 9. N 3. P. 40—45.

216. Changes in working life/Ed, by Duncan K. D., Cruneberg J. М., Wal-

lis D. L. L„ 1986.

217. Cooper С. L.. Marshall J. Sources of managerial and white collar stress//

Stress at work. L., P. 81—106.

218. Durand de Bousingen R. Experiences d'utilization du Training Autogene en group et en milieu industriel//Autogenic training. Ed. by Luthe W. N. Y.—L., 1965. P. 247—250.

219 Everly G. S., Rosenfeld R. The nature and the treatment of stress res­ponse. N. Y., 1981.

220. Hilgard E. R. Divided consciousness: Multiple controls in human thought and action. N. Y„ 1977.

221. Hockovec J. Autogenic training in Czechoslovakia//Autogenic training. Ed. by Luthe W. N. Y—L., 1965. P. 271—273.

222. Luthe W. Autogenic training in North America//Autogenic training, Ed. by Luthe W. N. Y—L., 1965. P. 297—303.

223. Martin E., Ackermann U., Udris I. et al. Monotonie in der Industrie. Bern, 1980.

224. Mitchell L. Simple relaxation: The psychological method for easing ten­sion. L., 1977.

225. Schultz J. H. Das autogene Training. Stuttgart, 1964.

226. Selye H. Stress in health and desease. L., 1976.

227. Stephenson P. Physiological and psychotropic effects of caffeine on man // Journal of american diet. ass. 1977. V. 71.

228. Stress at work/Ed, by Cooper C. L., Payne R. X. L., 1978.

229. Stress, work, design and productivity/Ed, by Corlett E. M., Richard­son J. N. Y., 1981.


ВВЕДЕНИЕ ................ 3



1.1. Психопрофилактика стрессов и оптимизация функциональных

состояний как прикладная проблема ....... 5

1.2. Классификация средств оптимизации функциональных со­стояний ............... И



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