(26) М. Фуко имеет, вероятно, в виду An Historical Discourse of the uniformity of Government of England. The First Part. London, 1647, 2 тома, отредактированные Натаниэлем Бэконом на основе рукописей Джона Селдена (см.: An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England, collected from some manuscript notes of John Selden, by Nathaniel Bacon. London, 1689). О саксах Селден говорит, что «their judicial were very suitable to the Athenian, but their military more like the Lacedemonian» (P. 15; chap. IV–XL1II). О Дж. Селдене см. также: Analecton Anglobritannicon libri duo. Francofurti, 1615; Jani Anglorum в: Opera omnia latina et anglica. Londini, 1726, vol. II. (27) «Thus the Saxons become somewhat like the Jewes, divers from all other people; their lawes honourable for the King, easie for the subject; and their governmtnt above all other likest unto that of Christs Kingdome, whose yoke is easie, and burthen light: but their motion proved so irregular as God was pleased to reduce them by another way» (An Historical Discourse…, op.cit, p. 112–113). (28) «The laws of England are full of tricks and contrary to themselves; for they invented and established by the Normans, which were of all nations the most quarrelsome and most fallacious in contriving of controversies and suits» (Warr J. The Corruption and Deficiency of the Laws of England. London, 1649. P. 1; См. в особенности главы II и III. См. также: Administration Civil and Spiritual в: Two Treatises. London, 1648, I, § XXXVII). Подчеркнем, что фраза Уорра частично цитирована в части: Ch.Hill в: Puritanism and Revolution. London: Seeker and Warburg, 1958. P. 78. (29) См. в особенности Lilburn J. The Just Mans Justification. London, 1646. P. 11–13; см. также: A Discourse betwixt John Lilburne, close prisoner in the Tower of London, and Mr. Hugh Peters. London, 1649; Englands Birth-right Justified against all arbitrary usurpation. London, 1645; Regall Tyrannic Discovered. London, 1647; Englands New Chains Discovered. London, 1648; Большая часть памфлетов левеллеров собрана в книге: Haller W., Davies G., eds. — The Levellers Tracts 1647–1653. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. (30) Вильгельм Завоеватель и его последователи «made Dukes, Earles, Barrons and Lords of their fellow Robbers, Rogues and Thieves» (Regall Tyrannie., op.cit., p. 86). Неверно приписывать этот памфлет Дж. Лилберну; Р. Овертон, вероятно, участвовал в его редактировании. (31) Наиболее известные тексты диггеров, к которым М. Фуко мог здесь обращаться, представляют собой два анонимных манифеста: Light Shining in Buckinghamshire, s. 1,1648; More Light Shining in Buckinghamshire, s. 1,1649. См. также: Wmstanley G. et al. To his Excellency the Lord Fairfax and the Counsell of Warre the brotherly request of those that are called Diggers sheweth. London, 1650; Winstanley G. Fire in the Bush. London, 1650; The Law of Freedom in a Platform, or True Magistracy Restored. London, 1652 (CM. Sabine G.H., ed. The Works of Gerrard Winstanley, with an appendix of documents relating to the Digger Movement. Ithaca; New York: Cornell University Press, 1941). — 152 —