892. J. R. M. Butler, Lord Lothian, p. 352: Communication of Hjalmar Schacht vom 5. Mai 1937; Gollin, pp. 550f. 893. Hans-Christoph Schroder, Imperialismus und antidemokratisches Denken. Alfred Milners Kritik am politischen System Englands (Wiesbaden, 1978), S. 66, 70—73; Walter Nimocks, Milner's Young Men (London, 1968), p. ix; Jonathan Rutherford, Forever England (1997), p. 77; Margaret George, Warped Vision. British foreign policy 1933— 376 1939 (Pittsburgh, USA, 1965), p. 217, 139f, 142, 538ff; William R. Rock, British Appeasement in the 1930"s (London, 1977), p. 65; Robert Shepherd, A Class divided. Appeasement and the Road to Munich, 1938 (London, 1988), p. 22. 894. R. D. Warth, The Allies and the Russian Revolution (Cambridge, 1954), pp. 94, 104, 14; Alexander Kerenski, Die Kerenski Memoiren (Wien, 1966), S. 365f, 408, 418f. 894a. J. R. M. Butler, Lord Lothian, S. 250f; The Round Table, XXV, No 98 (1935), pp. 283, 297f, cited in Rutherford, Forever England, p. 98; R. Shepherd, p. 25; Gollin, Proconsul, pp. 42, 606. 894b. Margaret George, Warped Vision. British foreign policy 1933—1939 (Pittsburgh, USA, 1965), pp. 217,139f, 142; James Drennan, Der britische Faschismus. BUFund sein Fuhrer (Berlin, 1937), S. 238f; A. M. Gollin, Proconsul in Politics. A study of Lord Milner (London, 1964), pp. 216f, 220,601; K. Tidrick, Empire and the English Character (London, 1992), pp. 271f, 231, quoting Milner's "Credo": The Times (London) of 27. July 1925. 894c. Gollin, Proconsul, pp. 573, 523, 525, 561, 564, 568, 345, 373. 895. Dietrich Aigner, Das Ringen um England. Das deutsch-britische Verhaltnis 1933—1939 (Munchen, 1969), S. 59, 56, 57, zitiert auch Das Schwarze Kords, Nr. 3 vom 16. Januar 1936, S. 7; George, Warped Vision. British foreign policy 1933-1939 (Pittsburgh, USA, 1965), p. 28f; Walter Schellenberg, Invasion 1940. The Nazi Invasion Plan for Britain (London, 2000), pp. 27, 144: The Gestapo Handbook for... Britain. 895a. Marquess of Londonderry, Ourselves and Germany (London, 1938), p. III, 166; Londonderry, England blickt auf Deutschland. Um deutsch-englische Verstandigung (Essen, 1938), S. 4f; Colin Cross, Fascists in Britain (New York, 1961), p. 141. 896. John Baker-White, Dover-Nurnberg (London, 1937), p. 28, 31f, 70f, 72, 74. 897. Linehan, p. 45; Graham Wooton, The official History of the British Legion (London, 1956), p. 195, in: Richard Griffiths (as reference 791), p. 130. 898. D. Aigner, Das Ringen um England, S. 83; vgl. G. Ward Price, Extra Special Correspondent (1957), p. 222 und Hans Thost, Als Nationalsozialist in England (Munchen, 1939), S. 200, 309f. — 325 —