344 133. ARD (Fernsehen) "Politmagazin Panorama" des NDR vom 12, September 1996, 21, 10 Uhr; Ian Slater and Douglas Batting, Nazi Gold. The story of the Grid's greatest Robbery - and its Aftermath (Edinburgh, 1998), pp. 337, 340, 342f, 349f, 353. 134. Hans Grimm, Heynade und England, Buch I, S. 83. 135. Carl Peters, Die Grundung von Deutsch-Ostafrika, S. 136. 136. Hans Grimm, Heynade und England, Buch III. Vgl. Neville Chamberlain on 1. November 1938: House of Commons, Debates, Bd. CCCXL, Col. 74, 88 in D. Aigner (wie Anm. 895) S. 334, 402. 136a. Carl Peter, England und die Englander (Hamburg, 1915), S. 121. 137. Hitlers Tischgesprache (vom 18. April 1942, abends) im Fuhrerhauptquartier. Aufgezeichnet von Henry Picker. Hrsg. von Percy Ernst Schramm (Stuttgart, 1965), S. 280. Пикер. С. 209. 137a. Bill Schwarz (Editor), Expansion of England. Race, ethnicity and cultural history (London, 1996), p. 251; James Morgan Read, Atrocity Propaganda (New York, 1972), pp. 29ff, 35, 37, 44, 49, 53. 137b. James Froude's novel "Cyril or Oceana" (1889), Chapter XVIII, cited by F. Brie, Imperialistische Stromungen in der englischen Literatur (Halle, 1928), S. 167. 137c. Max Scheler, Der Genius des Krieges und der deutsche Krieg (Leipzig, 1915), S. 408: "Zur Psychologie des englischen Ethos und des cant". 137d. Peter Marsch (Editor), The Conscience of the Victorian State (Syracuse, N. Y, USA, 1979), p. 2. 138. E. Wingfield-Stratford, History of British Patriotism (London, 1913), Vol. I, p. xxxiv, xxxvi f, xxiii. 139. The British Image of India, p. 131. 140. Josiah Strong, The times and young men (New York, 1901), quoted in: Gossett, Race. History of an idea in America (New York, 1969), p. 187. 141. Josiah Strong, Our Country. Its possible future and its present crises (New York, 1895), quoted in: Gossett, ibid., p. 190. 142. Gossett, ibid., p. 178, 185. 143. Flora Annie Steel, On the face of the Waters. A tale of the Indian mutiny (London, 1897), p. 2, angefuhrt bei Greenberger, The British Image of India, p. 13. 144. Robert Knox, The Races of Men (1850): Mac Dougal, Racial Myth in English history, S. 91. 145. Sir Charles Dilke, Greater Britain (London, 1894), p. 564; Greater Britain (edition of 1869), p. 230, 572f. 146. J. A. Cramb, Origins and Destiny of Imperial Britain (London, 1900): Patrick von zur Muhlen, Rassenideoiogie, Geschichte und Hintergrunde (Berlin, 1977), S. 216. 147. Dennis Kincaid, British social life in India (London, 1973), p. xiii, 213. 148. K. Lun & Richard Thurlaw (Editors), British Fascism (London, 1980), p. 168-186: Paul Hayes, "The contribution of British intellectuals to fascism"; F. W. Hirst & G. Murray & J. L. Hammond, Liberalism and Empire (London, 1900), S. 152, 171ff. — 286 —