5 Oclock и другие традиции Англии

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Fearnley-Whittingstall, Jane. Th Garden. An English Love Affair. L., 2002.

Forster, E.M. A Room with a View.

Forster, E.M. Where Angels Fear to Tread.

Fort, Tom. Th Grass is Greener. Our Love Affair with the Lawn. L., 2001.

Fox, Kate. Watching the English. The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour. 2004.

Gardens Handbook. A visitor’s guide to over 140 great gardens. The National Trust, 2002.

Gertrude Jekyll. 1843–1932. A Celebration. 1993.

Gibson Alex. Stonehenge and Timber Circles. UK, 1998.

Gies, Joseph & Frances. Life in a Medieval Castle. 1974.

Ginger Andrew. Country Houses. L., 2003.

Ginger, Andrew. Country Houses of England, Scotland and Wales. A Guide and Gazetteer. L., 1991.

Great Britain. Dorling Kindersley Travel Guides. 2000.

Hammond P.W. Food and Feast in Medieval England. Sutton Publishing, 1998.

Harding, Mile. A Little Book Of The Green Man. L., 1998.

Hardyment, Christina. Behind the Scenes. Domestic Arrangements in Historic Houses. L., 1997.

Harris Jose. Private Lives, Public Spirit: Britain 1870–1914. Penguin Books, 1993.

Harris, Nathaniel. Castles of England, Scotland and Wales. A Guide and Gazetteer. L., 1991.

Hibbert, Christopher. The Grand Tour. L., 1974.

History Today. V.53 (7) July 2003.

Hobhouse Penelope. The Story of Gardening. London, 2002.

How to be British Collection. Martyn Ford, Peter Legon. Brighton, 2003.

Hume D. Essays, Literary, Moral, and Political. L., n.d.

Humphry Mrs (“Madge” of “Truth”). Manners for Men. L., 1897 (reprinted in 1993)

Биг-Бен – башня с часами, телефонная будка и двухэтажный автобус, по сей день являются символами Лондона

Humphry Mrs (“Madge” of “Truth”). Manners for Women, n.d. (reprinted in 1993)

Iredale, David, Barrett, John. Discovering Local History. Princes Risborough, 2003.

J.B. Priestley. English Journey. L, 1934.

Jekyll, Gertrude. The Gardener’s Essential. Selected & with an Introduction by Elizabeth Lawrence. 1986.

Kittridge, Alan. Cornwall’s Maritime. 2003.

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Macfarlane, Alan & Macfarlane, Iris. Green Gold. The Empire of Tea. GB, 2003.

Mail, Antony. Xenophobe’s guide to the English. Horsham, 1993.

Malone, Caroline. Neolithic Britain and Ireland. UK, 2001.

Martin, Sam. How to Mow the Lawn. 2003.

Mather, Victoria, Macartney-Snape, Sue. Absolutely Typical. The Best Social Stereotypes from the Telegraph Magazine. L., 1996.

Mikes George. How to be a Brit. Penguin Books, 1984.

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