8. William James, Principles of Psychological, Britannica Great Books, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Chicago Ill., 1979, p. 5. 9. William James, Principles of Psychological, p. 15. 10. Albert Einstein, Science and Religion, p. 24—25. 11. Albert Einstein, Science and Religion, p. 26. 12. Albert Einstein, Science and Religion, p. 26. 13. Albert Einstein, The Laws of Science and the Laws of Ethics, p. 114—115. 14. Albert Einstein, The Laws of Science and the Laws of Ethics, p. 115. 15. Albert Einstein, The Laws of Science and the Laws of Ethics, p. 115. 16. Albert Einstein, The Laws of Science and the Laws of Ethics, p. 115. 17. Albert Einstein, Morals and Emotios, p. 19. 18. Albert Einstein, Science and Religion, p. 24. 19. Albert Einstein, The Common Language of Science, p. 113. 20. Albert Einstein: A Man for All Seasons, Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Corte Madera, CA, 1987, p. 14. 21. Albert Einstein: A Man for All Seasons, p. 16. 22. Albert Einstein, Morals and Emotios, p. 19. 23. Albert Einstein: A Man for All Seasons, p. 6. 24. Albert Einstein, “Society and Personality”, The World As I See It, The Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey, 1934, pp. 8—9. 25. Albert Einstein, Science and Religion, p. 23. 26. Albert Einstein: A Man for All Seasons, p. 10. 27. Donald Clarke, Great Inventors & Discoveries, Marshall Cavendish Books Limited, London, 1978, p. 64. 28. Bandler, R. & Grinder, D., The Structure of Magic Vol. 1, Science and Behavior Books, Palo Alto, CA, 1975, pp. 13—14. ÑÒÐÀÒÅÃÈß ÝÉÍØÒÅÉÍÀ ÄËß ÌÀÊÐÎÌÎÄÅËÈÐÎÂÀÍÈß 1. Albert Einstein, The Foundaments of Theoretical Physics, in “Out of My Later Years”, The Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey, 1956, p. 98. 2. Albert Einstein, Physics and Reality, in “Ideas and Opinions”, Crown Books, New York, NY, 1954, p. 293. 3. Albert Einstein, Autobiographical Notes, in “Albert Einstein, Philosopher-Scientist” by Artur Schilpp, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Ill., 1949, p. 33. 4. Albert Einstein: A Portrait, Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Corte Madera, CA, 1984. 5. Rene Weber, The Enfolding-Unfolding Universe: A Conversation with David Bohm, Re-Vision, Summer/Fall, 1978, p. 30. 6. Rene Weber, The Enfolding-Unfolding Universe, p. 30. 7. Albert Einstein, Autobiographical Notes, p. 87. 8. Albert Einstein, Physics and Reality, p. 318. 9. Albert Einstein, Science and Religion, in “Out of My Later Years”, The Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey, 1956, p. 28. 10. Albert Einstein, Autobiographical Notes, in “Albert Einstein, Philosopher-Scientist” by Artur Schilpp, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Ill., 1949, p. 7. — 112 —