мотивация которых отражает неадекватные умозаключения в рамках имеющейся бредовой системы. В целом, выяснение внутренней мотивационной составляющей суицидального поведения как в рамках шизофрении, так и при бредовых расстройствах другой нозологической отнесенности может служить, с одной стороны, целям диагностики заболевания, а с другой — оценке непосредственной опасности больного для самого себя и окружающих. Изложенное выше определяет значение клинико-суицидо-логического анализа каждого больного, заболевание которого на том или ином этапе сопровождалось суицидальными тенденциями. FUNDAMENTALS OF SUICIDOLOGY SUMMARY This book concerns the issue of evaluation of auto-aggressive, and specifically suicidal, behavior. The work promotes the principal of taking individual approach to anyone who exhibits suicidal tendencies and related phenomena of deliberate self-harm. The author develops the new terminology necessary for suicidological analysis of each particular case of auto-aggressive behavior. Auto-aggressive behavior is divided as follows: suicidal and non-suicidal. Suicidal behavior includes suicide itself and parasuicide. The author identifies the main variants of the character of subjective side of auto-aggressive behavior. 1 — suicide, 2 — parasuicide with no possibility to verify intention of suicide, 3 — parasuicide which reflects so-called «indirect intention» to die described as «parasuicidal break of consciousness», desire «to switch off», «to rest», 4 — parasuicide which includes display of suicidal intentions with absence of real intent, 5 — auto-aggression, not related to suicide, that has other motives. Introduction of the concept of suicidal determinant is explained from the need to delineate in the field of different terms, all reflecting on the reasons of suicidal behaviors, the ones that determine the group of sui-cidogenic factors having the most bearing on the occurrence of suicide. These determinants, grouped by categories, facilitate suicidological analysis by focusing on separate characteristics of the suicide victim, including his/her state of mind immediately prior to the suicide attempt or specific psychosocial situation, in the frame of which these determinants are defined. Theses categories of determinants comprise the areas of likely appearance of suicidal tendencies. Determinants differ from the motives and direct reasons given by the victim of the suicide attempt and explicitly expressed by him/her. Unlike these components of the motivation of suicide which are presented by the patient himself, the determinants of suicidal behavior are identified by the specialist (doctor, psychologist, etc.), who analyses the event. These factors reflect the data collected in the process of the interview and review of patient — 423 —