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Trainer’s chair:

large chair with arm rests. Will have restraints as above at intervals to restrain movement while person sits in chair.

Shock equipment:

models and types are quite varied, depending on age and company. Most have a set of rubber covered wires, with electrodes that may be connected with Velcro, rubber (steel tips imbedded under finger and toe nail beds), or gel pads (larger body areas such as chest, arms, legs). Some are tiny electrodes, which can be taped next to eyes, or placed within genitalia. These are connected to the “shock box”, which has controls that can determine amount of electricity , and frequency, if interval shocks are desired.


any number of opiates, barbiturates, hypnotics, sedatives, anesthetic agents. Resuscitative drugs, antidotes are also kept, clearly labeled and indexed. Many drugs, especially experimental ones, are only known by code names, such as “alphin 1?.

CPR equipment:

in case person has adverse reaction to drugs or programming. At times, a child alter will come out inadvertently during a programming sequence, and will be overdosed with the drugs meant for adult alters. The trainers must give it the antidote, and resuscitate it, just as if a real child is out. They are well aware of this fact, and will severely punish child alters, to teach them to come out only when called out.

Virtually reality headsets:t:

he keystone in recent years. Many programming sequences utilize holographic images, and virtual reality set ups, including assassination programs, where the person realistically “kills” another human being. These virtual disks are far more advanced than those in video arcades.

Body building equipment:

used in military training to increase fitness, lean body mass.

Steel instruments:

used to insert into orifices, cause pain.

Stretch machine:

used as punishment, “stretches ” person without breaking bones. Extremely painful.

Trainer’s grids and projectors:

used to project grids on wall or ceiling.

Movie projector:

to show movies, although new VR disks are replacing these computer: collect and analyze data; keep computer grid on person’s system. Current military computer access codes will be used to download into governmental computers.

Trainer’s journals:

contain indexed copies of subject’s systems, including key alters, command codes, etc.

Comfort objects:

used to comfort subject afterwards. May be toy or candy for child alters, or oils for massage. Warm towels, or beverages may be given, as the trainer “bonds with” and comforts person they worked with. This is probably the most important part of the training process, as the trainer explains calmly, kindly how well the person did, how proud they are of them.

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