Публикации Джона Вудроффа
- Hymns to the Goddess. From Tantras and Stotras of Shankaracharya. – London: Luzak & Co, 1913 (Madras: Ganesh &Co, 1953. (2 ed.))
- The Great Liberation. Mahanirvana Tantra. London: Luzak & Co, 1913, 359 p. (Madras, 1929)
- Introduction to Tantra Shastra. Madras: Ganesh & Co, 1956 (3 ed.), 152 p. (Первая часть книги "The Great Liberation")
- Principles of Tantra. Tantra Tattva. London: Luzak & Co, 1914-1916; Madras: Ganesh & Co, 1952 (2 ed.) 1200 p.p.
- Wave of Bliss. Anandalahari. Text, translation and commentary. – London: Luzak & Co, 1916 (Madras: Ganesh & Co, 1953 (4 ed.))
- Greatness of Shiva. Mahimnastava of Pushpadanta. Text, translation and commentary. – London: Luzak & Co. (Madras: Ganesh & Co, 1952 (2 ed.))
- Origin of the Vajrayana Devatas. – London: Luzak & Co, 1917.
- Studies in Mantra Shastra. – London: Luzak & Co, 1917. Эта же книга потом издана, исправленная и дополненная, под названием "Garland of Letters. Varnamala. Studies in Mantra Shastra". With an introduction of T. M. P. Mahadevan. – Madras: Ganesh & Co, 1951 (2 ed.).
- Shakti and Shakta. Essays and Adresses on the Tantra Shastra. Madras: Ganesh & Co, 1917 (1951, 4 ed.) 750 p.p.
- Quelques concepts Foundamentaux des Hindous. – London: Luzak & Co, 1918.
- The Serpent Power. London: Luzak & Co, 1919, (All India Press, Pondicherry, 1989 (14 ed.) – 500 p.
- Tantraraja Tantra. A short analysis. With a preface of Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati – Madras: Ganesh &Co, 1954 (2 ed) XIX + 117 p.p.
- Isopanoshad. With a new commentary by Kaulacharya Satyananda. Text, translation and commentary. – Madras: Ganesh & Co, (2 ed.), 1953 – 64 p. + 28p.
- Kulachudamani Nigama. Text and Introduction by A. K. Maitra. 1956. – (2 ed.).
- Kamakalavilasa. Text, translation and commentary. – Madras: Ganesh & Co, 1953 (2 ed.)
- Hymn to Kali (Karpuradi Stotra). Text, translation and commentary. – Madras: Ganesh & Co, 1953 (2 ed.)
- The World As Power. Reality, Life, Mind, Matter, Causality and Continuity. 1957. 2 ed. 414 p.p.
- Mahamaya. The World As Power: Consciousness. 1922. (1957 – 2 ed.) – 350 p.p.
Александр Ригин,
Киев, 31 декабря 1993 г.
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