VII. Заклинание святого Михаила для защиты от сглаза и порчи«Please protect us, Saint Michael the Archangel, against violence, murder and robbery. In your goodness, preserve us today from all the malice of sinful and wicked men. In your sleepless vigilance, watch over the safety and welfare of our homes, and keep guard over our possessions. Ever hold in your special care, most triumphant Saint Michael, the forces of public order against the crimes of evil men, and defend all honest citizens in time of peril. We ask this of you through Jesus Christ, our Lord. For the Lord God has given your angels charge of us, to keep us in all our ways. Saint Michael, Archangel of God, defend us in battle and protect us against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke Satan, we humbly pray, and by God`s power may you, Prince of the heavenly host, cast him into Hell with all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls». VIII. Обращение к Богу для успеха в коммерции«O God, Who dost deign mercifully to bestow upon us infinite treasures of love in the Heart of Thy Don, Jesus, who was pierced by our sins and broken hearted by our ingratitude, grant l beseech Thee, that may pay Him the devout homage of my piety, and clarity of mind, a healthy body, and a peaceful soul so that l can go about my daily tasks with compassion and tranquility and serenity of spirit. Keep me this day constantly before thy eye because in Thee l put my trust. May l learn to walk in the footsteps of vlur beloved Son, Jesus, that l may be worthy to receive Your blessing in my situation. Through the same. Christ our Lord. Amen». IX. Заклинание Анаеля для укрепления здоровья«Audi, Anaell ego, N, indignus minister Dei, conjuro, posco et voco te non mea potestate, sed per vim, virtulem et potentiam Dei Patris, per totam redemptionern et salvilicationern Dei Filii et per vim et devictionnem Dei Sancti Spiritus. Per hos devinco te, sis ubi velis, in alto vel abysso, in agua vel in igne, in aere vel in terra, ut tu, daemon Anael, in momento coram me appareas in decora forma humana. Veni ergo cum festinatione in virtute nominum istorum Aue Saraye, Aye Saraye, Aue Saraye, ne differas venire per nomina aeterna Eloy, Archima, Rabur, festina venire per personam cxorcitatoris conjurati in omni tranquillitate et patientia, sine ullo tumulto, mei et omnium hominum corperis sine detrimento, sine falsitate, fallacia, dolo. Conjuro et cofirmo super te, daemon fortis, in nomine On, Hey, Heva, Ia, Ie, Adonay, et in nomine Saday, qui creavit quadupedia et animalia reptilia et homines in sexto die, et per nomina angelorum servientium in tertio exercitu coram Dagiel angelo mangno, et per nomen stellae quae est Venus, et per sigillum ejus quod quidem est sanctum, super te, Anael, Titeis, Azia, Hyn, Ien, Chimosel, Achdan! Va! Va! Va!» — 61 —