Spring Forest Qigong: for health For thousands of years, the Chinese elite have known that controlled breathing techniques combined with focused concentration and simple movements can significantly improve one's health. They have called this practice Qigong (pronounced "Chee-Gong"). Chunyi Lin, a Qigong master with over 20 years experience, has demystified this ancient practice and made it practical for today. Spring Forest Qigong, Level 1 guides you through simple, easy-to-follow exercises for a vibrant health and well-being. Level 2 guides you to help other people heal themselves. Two exercises from Spring Forest Qigong, "Moving of Yin & Yang" and "Breathing of the Universe," are particularly useful for PhotoReading and learning in general. Euphoria: The gift of a healthy, balanced, and energetic life Chunyi Lin joins six experts to help you experience a natural, euphoric high. Learn to enter, at will, a sense of inner calm. Experience joyful flowing with the events around you. Feel blissful happiness, love, rapture, and peace of mind. Paul Scheele presents a Paraliminal session, Hale Dwoskin teaches the Sedona Method for euphoria, D. Trinidad Hunt helps you find your purpose, Chunyi Lin presents a Spring Forest Qigong meditation that is similar to the Self-Concentration meditation in Level 1, Bill Harris gives you a Holosync experience, and Rex Steven and Carolyn Sikes take you on a ride with the Attitude Activator - all giving you the gift of a healthful, balanced, and energetic life. Memory Optimizer: A fun, bold approach to vastly improve your memory Improve your memory with a unique, new approach using Vera F. Birkenbihl's "The Birkenbihl Method" and Paul Scheele's "Paraliminal Learning." Concepts and practical processes such as Intelligent Gap Management, the Inner Archive, Memory Pyramid, and the Anchorman List coupled with 57 memory tricks will give strength to your memory and ability to learn. The course manual includes a section to strengthen PhotoReading activation. Resiliency: The Power To Bounce Back Use Resiliency strategies to overcome adversity and thrive in most any circumstances. Get both the edge to handle life's annoyances and setbacks as well confidence to deal powerfully with cataclysmic events. Al Siebert and Paul Scheele help you build mental and emotional flexibility to turn misfortune into good fortune. Genius Code: Guiding you into the realm of genius Tune into those secret messages that your brain automatically sends you to boost your IQ, solve any problem, accelerate learning, recognize golden opportunities, and supercharge your intuition. — 54 —