Gertrude Himmelfarb, «Clio and Oedipus», London Times Literary Supplement May 23, 1975, p. 565. 2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975. 3. «History: The Muse and Her Doctors», American HistoricalReview 77 (1972), 36-64. 4. Carl Hempel, «The Function of General Laws in History» in Herbert Feigel and Wilfred Sellars, eds.. Readings in Philosophical Analysis. New York: Appleton-Century-Ñrofts, 1949. 5. Alan Donagan, «Explanations in History», in Patriek Gardiner, ed.. Theories of History. New York: The Free Press, 1959: 6. Lloyd deMause, ed., Psychohistory: A Bibliographic Guide. New York: Garland Publishing. 1975. 7. Steven Runciman, History of the Crusades. 3 Vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1950. 8. Kedourie, TLS, p. 3. 9. A. J. P. Taylor. The Origins of the Second World War. New York: Atheneum. 1968, pp. 216, 217. 10. Max Montgelas and Walter Schucking. eds.. Outbreak of the World War: German Documents Collected By Karl Kautsky. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1924. pp. 63. 307. 266. 161. 11. Montglas. Outbreak, pp. 250 ff Geoffrey Blarney. The Causes of War. New York: The Free Press. 1973. 12. Ole R. Holsti and Robert C. North. «The history of human conflicts in Eiton B. McNeil. ed.. The Nature of Human Conflict. Englewood Cliffs. N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 1965. p. 166. 13. Luigi Albertini. The Origins of the World War of 1914. Vol. 11. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1952. p. 132; Imanuel Geiss. ed.. July 1914: The Outbreak of the First World War: Selected Documents. New York: Charles Scribner*s Sons. 1967. p. 295. 14. Ralph H. Lutz. Fall of the German Empire 1914-1918: Documents of the German Revolution. Vol. I. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1932. p. 13. 15. Lloyd deMause. ed.. The History of Childhood. New York: The Psycho-history Press and Harper & Row. 1974 and 1975. 16. Nandor Fodor, The Search for the Beloved: A Clinical Investigation of the Trauma of Birth and Pre-Natal Conditioning. New Hyde Park: University Books. 1949. pp. 35-45. 17. Arthur Janov, The Feeling Child: Preventing Neurosis in Children. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1973. pp. 41-81. 18. BrUce Catton, The Coming Fury. Garden City. N.Y.: Doubleday & Co.. 1961. p. 32. 19. William Eddis. Letters from America. Cambridge. Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1969. p. 151. 20. Max Montgelas and Walter Schucking. eds.. Outbreak of the World War: German Documents Collected By Karl Kautsky. New York: Oxford University Press. 1924, p. 56. 21. Herbert Feis. The Road to Pearl Harbor. Princeton: Princeton University Press.l950.pp.293.265. — 68 —