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  2. ERIKSON, E.H. Childhood and Society. Norton, 1950.
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  4. FESTINGER, L.A. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Peterson, 1957.
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  3. FREUD, S. Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Int. Psychoan. Press,. 1922.
  4. ———— The Interpretation of Dreams, in The Basic Writings of Freud. Modern Lib., 1938.
  5. ———— Collected Papers, London, Hogarth, 1956. Vol. III, Vol. IV.
  6. ———— An Outline of Psychoanalysis. Norton, 1949.
  7. FROMM, E. Man For Himself. Rinehart, 1947.
  8. ———— Psychoanalysis and Religion. Yale Univ., 1950.
  9. ———— The Forgotten Language. Rinehart, 1951.
  10. ———— The Sane Society. Rinehart, 1955.
  11. ———— , SUZUKI, D.Ò., and DE MARTINO, R. Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis. Harper, 1960.

54a. GHISELIN, B. The Creative Process. Univ. of Calif., 1952.

  1. GOLDSTEIN, K. The Organism. Am. Bk. Co., 1939.
  2. ———— Human Nature from the Point of View of Psychopathology. Harvard Univ., 1940.
  3. ———— Health as value, in Maslow, A.H. (ed.) New Knowledge in Human Values. Harper, 1959, 178-188.
  4. HALMOS, P. Towards a Measure of Man. London: Kegan Paul, 1957.
  5. HARTMAN, R. The science of value, in Maslow, A.H. (ed.) New Knowledge in Human Values. Harper, 1959.
  6. HARTMANN, H. Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation. Int. Univs. Press, 1958.
  7. ———— Psychoanalysis and Moral Values. Int. Univs. Press, 1960.
  8. HAYAKAWA, S.I. Language in Action. Harcourt, 1942.
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  10. HEBB, D.O., and THOMPSON, W.R. The social significance of animal studies, in: Lindzey G. (ed.) Handbook of Social Psychology, Vol. 1. Addison-Wesley, 1954, 532-561.
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