Личность. Теории, упражнения, эксперименты

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Morris, K., & Ellis, A. (1975). The Peris' perversion. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 54(2), 90-93.

Pauchant, Т., & Dumas, С (1991). Abraham Maslow and Heinz Kohut. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 31(2), 49-71.

Perls, F. S. (1969a). Ego, hunger and aggression. New York: Random House. (Originally published, 1947.)

Perls, F. S. (1969b). Gestalt therapy verbatim. Lafayette, CA: The Real People Press.

Perls, F. S. (1969c). In and out of the garbage pail. Lafayette, CA: The Real People Press.

Perls, F. S. (1973). The Gestalt approach: Eyewitness to therapy. Ben Lomond, CA: Science and Behavior Books; New York: Bantam, 1976.

Perls, F. S. (1977). Resolution. In J. Stevens (Ed.), Gestalt is. New York: Bantam, 70-75.

Perls, F. S. (1978). Psychiatry in a new key. Gestalt Journal, 7(1), 32-53.

Perls, F. S. (1979). Planned psychotherapy. Gestalt Journal, 2(2), 5-23.

Perls, F. S. (1989). Theory and technique of personality integration. TACD Journal, 77(1), 35-52.

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Perls, L. (1986). Opening address: 8th annual conference on the theory and practice of Gestalt therapy-May 17, 1985. Gestalt Journal, 9(1), 12-15.

Perls, F. S. (1992). Concepts and misconceptions of Gestalt therapy. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 32(3), 50-56. (Originally published in Voices, 14[3]).

Rogers, C. (1986). Rogers, Kohut, and Erikson. Person-Centered Review, 1, 125-140.

Rosenfeld, E. (1978). An oral history of Gestalt therapy. Part I: A conversation with Laura Peris. Gestalt Journal, 7(1), 8-31.

Sandler, J., with Anna Freud. (1985). The analysis of defenses: The ego and the mechanisms of defence revisited. New York: International Universities Press.

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Serlin, I. (1992). Tribute to Laura Peris. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 32(3), 57-66.

Shah, I. (1972). The magic monastery. New York: Dutton.

Shepard, M. (1975). Fritz: An intimate portrait of Fritz Perls and Gestalt therapy. New York: Dutton-Saturday Review Press.

Smith, E. (1975). The role of early Reichian theory in the development of Gestalt therapy. Psychotherapy Theory, Research, and Practice, 12(3), 268-272.

Stevens, J., & Stevens, B. (1977). Introduction. In J. Stevens (Ed.), Gestalt is. New York: Bantam, VII-XI.

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