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228. Kakuzo Okakura. The Book of Tea. Tokyo, 1956.

229. Kato Kyosuke. Hidden Beauty in Japan. Tokyo, 1964.

230. Kawasaki Ichiro. Japan Unmasked. Tokyo, 1969.

231. Kurita Yasuyuki. Urban Life Seen through Household Possessions.- «Japan Echo». 1978, vol. 4.

232. Kuyama Yasusi. Modernisation and Tradition in Japan. Tokyo, 1969.

233. Lebra T. S. Japanese Patterns of Behavior. Honolulu, 1982.

234. Management Review. January 1983.

235. Manual of Zen Buddhism. Kyoto, 1935.

236. Mead G. H. Mind, Self and Society. Chicago, 1934.

237. Minami Hiroshi. Psychology of Japanese People. Tokyo, 1971.

238. Mo lone ó J. C. Understanding the Japanese Mind. Tokyo, 1954.

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241. Munro N. G. Primitive Culture in Japan. Yokohama, 1906.

242. Nakamura Yasuo. The Classical Theater. Tokyo, 1971.

243. Nakamura Hajime. The Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples. Tokyo, 1960.

244. Nakamura Hajime. A History of the Development of Japanese Thought from 952 to 1868. Vol. 2. Tokyo, 1967.

245. Nippon. The Land and its People. Tokyo, 1982.

246. Nitobe Inazo. Bushido: the Soul of Japan. An Exposition of Japanese Thoght. Tokyo, 1969.

247. Noda Yosiyuki. Introduction to Japanese Law. Tokyo, 1976.

248. Nîma S. Masks. Tokyo, 1957.

249. Puzzling Body Language of Japanese.- «The Nation Review». Bangkok, 7. V. 1978.

250. Reishauer E. 0. Japan. Past and Present. N. Y., 1964.

251. Reishauer E. O. The United States and Japan. N. Y., 1968.

252. Roggendorf J. Studies in Japanese Culture. Tokyo, 1963.

253. Rîss N. W. The World of Zen. N. Y., 1960.

254. Satî Ê. An Intensive Course of Zen Training.- «Psychologia». 1963, vol. XI, Nr 4.

255. Sato K. Zen from a Personological Viewpoint. Tokyo, 1968.

256. Schooling for the Common Good.- «Time», August 1, 1983.

257. Sekida Katsuki. Zen Training. Tokyo, 1976.

258. Seward J. More about the Japanese. Tokyo, 1971.

259. Shioda Cozo. Dinamic Aikido. Tokyo, 1977.

260. Sisk H. L. Management and Organization. Ohio, 1973.

261. Smith R. Japanese Culture. Chicago, 1962.

262. Smith W. Confucianism in Modern Japan: a Study of Conservatism in Japanese Intellectual History. Tokyo, 1959.

263. Spae J. Christian Corridors in Japan. Tokyo, 1967.

264. Spae J. Japanese Religiosity. Tokyo, 1971.

265. Spae J. Shinto Man. Tokyo, 1972.

266. Study of the Japanese National Character. Tokyo, 1961-1975, Vol. I-V.

267. Susumn Takamiya. The Characteristics of Japanese Management.- «Management in Japan». Vol. 14, ¹ 2, 1981.

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