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Сайт отличается жизнерадостным настроением и содержит тщательно подобранную коллекцию цитат из работ Келли, а также список посвященных ему статей.


Allport, G. W. (1962). The general and the unique in psychological science. Journal of Personality, 30, 405-422.

American Psychological Association. (1994) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington: АРА Press.

Bannister, D., & Mair, J. M. M. (1968). The evaluation of personal constructs. New York: Academic Press.

Bannister, D., & Mair, J. M. M. (1977). The logic of passion. In D. Bannister (ed.) Newperspectives in personal construct theory. London: Academic Press.

Bohart, A. G., & Tallman, K. (1999). How clients make therapy work: The process of active self-healing. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Botella, L. (1995). Personal construct theory, constructivism, and postmodern thought. In R. A. Neimeyer & G. J. Neimeyer (Eds.), Advances in personal construct psychology (Vol. 3, p. 3-35). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Burr, V. (1995). An introduction to social constructionism. London: Routledge.

Burr, V, Butt, T. (1992). Invitation to personal construct psychology. London: Whurr Publishers.

Butt, Т. (1997). The existentialism of Goerge Kelly. Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, 8, 20-32.

Butt, T., Burr, V., & Epting, F. R. (1997). Core construing: Self-discovery or self-invention? In R. A. Neimeyer & G. J. Neimeyer (Eds.), Advances in personal construct psychology. Vol. 4. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Caplan, P. J. (1995). They say you're crazy: How the world's most powerful psychiatrists decide who's normal. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Ecker, В., & Hulley, L. (1996). Depth-oriented brief therapy. San Francisco: Jossey Press.

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