Дифференциальная психология

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Также велась разработка программ дошкольного обучения, специально составленных для подготовки отсталого ребенка к школе. Наряду с этим наблюдается повышение интереса к потенциальным возможностям психотерапии в реабилитации умственно неполноценных.


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3. Asher, Cecile, and Roberts, J. A. Fraser. A study of birthweight and intelligence.

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4. Badham, J. N. The outside employment of hospitalized mentally defective

patients as a step towards resocialization. Amer. J. ment. Def, 1955, 59, 666-680.

5. Bailer, W. R. A study of the present social status of a group of adults who,

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6. Bell, H. M. Matching youth and jobs. Washington, D. C: Amer. Coun. Educ,


7. Benda, C. E. Mongolism and cretinism. (2nd Ed.) N. Y.: Grune & Stratton,


8. Benda, С. Е. Developmental disorders of mentation and cerebral palsies. N. Y.:

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9. Benda, С. Е. Psychopathology of childhood. In L. Carmichael (Ed.),

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10. Benda, C. E., and Farrell, M. J. Psychopathology of mental deficiency in

children. In P. H. Hoch and J. Zubin (Eds.), Psychopathology of childhood. N. Y.: Grune & Stratton, 1955.

11. Binet, A., and Simon, Th. The intelligence of the feebleminded. (Transl. By

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12. Birch, J. W., and Matthews, J. The hearing of mental defectives: its

measurement and characteristics. Amer. J. ment. Def, 1951, 55, 384-393.

13. Bobroff, A. Economic abjustment of 121 adults, formerly students in

classes for mental retardates. Amer. J. ment. Def, 1956, 60, 525-535.

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14. Book, J. A., Grubb, R., Engleson, G., and Larson, С A. RH-

incompatibility and mental deficiency. Amer. J. hum. Genet., 1949, 1, 66-78.

15. Bradway, K. P. Paternal occupational intelligence and mental deficiency.

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