Власть Талисмана

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[108] 47. Runciman, op. cit, p. 158.

[109] 48. Ibid.

[110] 49. Lambert, Medieval Heresy, p. 108.

[111] 50. Lambert, The Cathars, pp. 240 and 242.

[112] 51. Ibid, p. 242.

[113] 52. Cited in ibid, p. 139.

[114] 53. Strayer, op. cit, p. 247.

[115] 54. Lambert, The Cathars, p. 139.

[116] 55. Guirdham, op. cit, p. 24.

[117] 56. Lambert, The Cathars, p. 160.

[118] 57. Guirdham, op. cit., p. 23.

[119] 58. Ibid.

[120] 59. O'Shea, op. cit, p. 8.

[121] 60. Guirdham, op. cit, p. 95.

[122] 61. Oldenbourg, op. cit, pp. 283–284, and Lambert, The Cathars, p. 125.

[123] 62. Guirdham, op. cit, p. 95.

[124] 63. See Barber, op. cit, pp. 203–225.

[125] 64. Мартин Барбер отвергает аргумент Вейль, который он рассматривает как следствие ее «беспечного отношения к свидетельствам» и «фундаментально антиисторического» подхода.

[126] 65. Cited in ibid, p. 206.

[127] 66. Oldenbourg, op. cit, p. 23.

[128] 67. Ibid, p. 24.

[129] 68. Ibid.

[130] 69. Burl, op. cit, p. 19.

[131] 70. See Sumption, op. cit, p. 90; O'Shea, op. cit, p. 20.

[132] 71. Geoffrey Wigoder (ed.), The Encyclopaedia of Judaism, The Jerusalem Publishing House, 1989, p. 514.

[133] 72. Сообщение Вениамина из Туделы, cited in Sumption, op. cit, p. 90.

[134] 73. Cited in Sumption, op. cit, p. 90.

[135] 74. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edn, London, 1991, Micro — paedia, 11:946–947.

[136] 75. Ibid, 3: 686–687.

[137] 76. Ibid, 11: 946–7; 3: 686–687.

[138] 77. Sumption, op. cit, pp. 29–30.

[139] 78. Oldenbourg, op. cit, p. 26.

[140] 79. Ibid, p. 230–231.

[141] 80. Sumption, op. cit, p. 30; Lambert, Medieval Heresy, p. 83.

[142] 81. Guirdham, op. cit, p. 96.

[143] 82. Lambert, The Cathars, p. 149.

[144] 83. Oldenbourg, op. cit, p. 61.

[145] 84. O'Shea, op. cit, p. 41.

[146] 85. Oldenbourg, op. cit, p. 61.

[147] 86. Guirdham, op. cit, p. 16.

[148] 87. Barber, op. cit, p. 216.

[149] 88. Oldenbourg, op. cit, p. 51.

[150] 89. Ibid, p. 51.

[151] 90. Ibid, p. 69.

[152] 91. Ibid, p. 70.

[153] 92. Lambert, The Cathars, p. 160.

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